Digital Competence Development from the Viewpoint of the German Association of Personnel Managers BPM Berlin

Digital Competence Development from the Viewpoint of the German ...

Herausgegeben von:Philipp Ramin


by Steffen Fischer (CHRO & Executive Board Member, ifm group services gmbh; Head of the Strategic Personnel Management Specialist<br />Group at the German Association of Personnel Managers e. V. Berlin (BPM))<br />from the handbook Digital Competence and Future Skills<br /><br />Discussions about digitalization are frequently concerned with the issue of whether the competent use of digital media is a (new) fourth cultural technique. Irrespective of this rather theoretical discussion, the purpose of the chapter is time to find out what has really happened in practice until now. Ultimately, a snapshot of the current situation emerged, demonstrating one thing: there are undoubtedly different approaches and concepts depending on the specific company context. There are companies with clear ideas and a clear digital mission statement. However, it is astounding how many companies have not developed or even implemented anything conceptual in the direction of digitalization yet.<br /><br />The author emphasizes change management and developing digital competencies as not being an end in themselves. Even if it is claimed–which certainly seems to be the case in most cases –that not all employees currently have the competencies that are required in the new digital world, we must first understand where we are headed and what competency development is to be achieved in the specific corporate environment.<br /><br />The handbook Digital Competence and Future Skills provides comprehensive insight into the future of competencies and learning and the transformation of business. For the first time, leading companies from a wide range of industries around the world provide concrete insights into their comprehensive approaches to transformation, competence management, culture change, and learning and development. In addition, leading scientists and institutions use the latest research findings to assess where we are today and what is to come in the future.<br /><br />#digicompetencebook<br />#digikompetenzbuch<br />#digikompetenzpodcast<br />

Bibliografische Angaben

Oktober 2022, 50 Seiten, Englisch


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