Learn the essentials of Asset-Liability Management, Liquidity Risk, and Funds Transfer Pricing
Many financial institutions and professionals must familiarize themselves with numerous concepts to successfully optimize risk management. ALM, FTP, and Liquidity Risk are among the more significant. It's specifically important to understand the step-by-step process of executing ALM analysis. Balance sheet risk management remains a core topic for everyone from internal risk management teams to external regulators.
Luckily, Asset-Liability and Liquidity Management makes understanding these topics easier than ever. Author Pooya Farahvash has substantial experience applying them in his own career. Having worked in asset-liability management and modeling at major financial institutions, Dr. Farahvash has the expertise necessary to explain everything a reader needs to know about these concepts, as well as why they are important and how they may be applied in a practical setting.
It's crucial that risk management professionals at financial institutions understand these ideas. Asset-Liability and Liquidity Management ensures its readers do.