Applied Photonics

Applied Photonics

An Introduction for Physicists and Engineers


This textbook offers both engineering and physics upper undergraduate/graduate students a well-rounded foundation in the fields of optics and photonics to enable them to solve a wide range of research problems. The book begins by guiding readers through the classical wave theory of light and exploring the fundamental question—what is light? The second part of the book assumes light as a stream of photons. Here, readers are taught the rules of geometrical optics to analyze and design imaging optical systems and laser resonators. Physical optics are covered to address phenomena such as interference, diffraction, and interferometry. A comprehensive chapter on Fourier optics is also included. Both discrete and integrated laser resonators which make the foundation of photonic integrated circuits are discussed in detail. The author introduces readers to the quantum mechanical principles needed for analyzing and designing semiconductor light sources such as laser diodes, light-emitting diodes, photoreactors, and light modulators. The third and final section of the book focuses on the modern applications of photonics, such as the optical communication systems that enabled the internet age and artificial intelligence as well as optical and quantum information processing for quantum computing.

This textbook includes a wealth of worked problems and solutions, as well as MATLAB code for students to study and explore the various optical phenomena that are discussed. By focusing on both sides of the dual nature of light and their corresponding phenomena, including a presentation of quantum mechanics that is accessible to those with no background, and covering a vast range of important topics, this textbook sets itself apart as an essential textbook for optics, photonics, and optoelectronics courses.

Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2025, Graduate Texts in Physics, Englisch
Springer International Publishing



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