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Any Happy Returns

Any Happy Returns

Structural Changes and Super Cycles in Markets



"Peter Oppenheimer is a distinguished practitioner of the art and science of stock market analysis. This volume instills his wisdom in cogent and clear terms. I don't know how well anyone can explain markets or even explain respectively their movements, but no one should even try without mastering this volume's important lessons."
-Lawrence Summers, former United States Secretary of the Treasury.

"Following his excellent The Long Good Buy, Peter Oppenheimer, in this new and very stimulating book continues and deepens his brilliant analysis of the financial market cycles, linking these with major trends but also with the geopolitical, technological, and other business and societal transformations. The author signals and identifies the emergence of the "Post-Modern Cycle" and its potential far reaching effects."
-José Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission and prime minister of Portugal.

"Business and financial cycles matter. Peter Oppenheimer understands them well. But there are times when a combination of social, economic, political and technological factors makes the past a particularly unreliable guide. Peter introduces the idea of the post-modern cycle, reflecting some deep structural changes in our world. This book is an opportunity for us to liberate ourselves from the tyranny of the present, to think big and long term, and to reap the rewards."
-Sir Alexander William Younger, former Chief of MI6.

"By skilfully interweaving the future and the past and incorporating history, culture and politics into his economic analysis, Peter Oppenheimer has written a book that is thought-provoking, insightful, and original."
-Professor Noreena Hertz, Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London.

"Peter Oppenheimer has written a thoughtful and insightful book. He draws our attention to the role that cycles play in helping us not only understand where we are in them, but also to forecast what is likely to follow."
-Kofi Adjepong-Boateng CBE, Research Associate, Centre for Financial History, University of Cambridge.

"Peter's comprehensive analysis of Financial Market Super Cycles (longer-term trends), within which many cycles evolve, provides many new and invaluable insights. It is an eloquently written book that uses data-driven evidence, charts, and trends to succinctly convey and reinforce the underlying message. A must read for financial market investors, practitioners, academics, and regulators."
-Narayan Naik, Professor of Finance at the London Business School.

Bibliografische Angaben

Dezember 2023, 384 Seiten, Englisch



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