The Greatest Showman meets The Night Circus for children, The Spectaculars is the enchanting new middle-grade adventure series that combines magic, theatre and danger with a large pinch of starstuff...
When three figures turn up at eleven-year-old Harper's window in a flying canoe, informing her that she is due to start her apprenticeship, Harper discovers she is a Spectacular - a magical performer, gifted special powers from the stars.
Within the walls of the Wondria, the Spectaculars' starstuff-powered theatre, this group of magical travelling performers tour their wondrous acts. Suddenly, Harper finds herself in a world of starlight, music and friendship. That is, until a sinister creature from a children's nursery rhyme plunges the Wondria into great danger...
And as Harper and her new best friend Trick unravel a mystery that will take them deep into the stars, Harper discovers she will do anything to save her extraordinary new home.