“When ‘decolonizing’ has become a fashionable buzzword in academia, paradoxically, I often feel stuck by the enduring totality of coloniality, which seems only further energized by such discourse. In this timespace, the PaDELS Handbook emerges as a breakthrough at the intersections of language and education, daring readers to reimagine, re/member, and re-engage with knowledge-making through global-centric and multiversal epistemic approaches.By curating multilogues among knowledge producers from diverse geopolitical and subjective locations—a rare and challenging achievement precisely because of the colonial politics of knowledge—the handbook disrupts the entrenched colonial order and circulates alternative Southern vocabularies. In doing so, it also serves as a powerful pedagogical tool, inviting and guiding readers, especially those in higher education, to reclaim language, knowledge, and education as diverse and liberatory practices capable of unsettling coloniality at its core.”— Jeong-eun Rhee, Professor in Education, College of Education, Information & Technology, Long Island University, USA
This open access handbook contributes to decolonising the scholarship that lies at the intersections of the educational and language sciences. Contributors from across the planet interrogate issues related to mainstream western/northern hegemonies of knowledge production and institutional hierarchies and practices which continue to dominate the research landscape. Engaging with alternative, marginalised and/or Southern thinking, the scholarship presented here goes beyond calls for multidisciplinarity, and instead offers multiversal, ‘undisciplinary’ ways and waves of doing research ‘otherwise’. The handbook will appeal to scholars and students working in and beyond the broad areas of education and language who are interested in discussions about Southern and decolonial perspectives, positionality and the politics of knowledge production.
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta is Professor Chair at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden. During 2024-2027 she is also Visiting Professor atboththe SeDyL Research Center (CNRS-IRD-INALCO), France, and at the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), India.