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The Impact of Brexit on the Foreign Direct Investment in the UK

The Impact of Brexit on the Foreign Direct Investment in the UK


Bachelor Thesis from the year 2022 in the subject Economics - Case Scenarios, grade: 2,7, LMU Munich (Volkswirtschaftslehre), language: English, abstract: This e-book is not just a thesis; it's a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking to comprehend the complex interplay between Brexit and Foreign Direct Investment. Whether you're an academic, a business professional, or an individual with a keen interest in economic trends, "The impact of Brexit on the Foreign direct Investment" offers valuable insights that transcend disciplines, making it an essential addition to your digital library. Order your copy today and equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the evolving economic landscape shaped by Brexit. The Referendum in 2016 which led to the Brexit was a game-changing event for both politics and the economy in Great Britain and the European Union. For the first time ever in history, a country decided to leave the EU. From the beginning it was clear that this decision would have both political and economic consequences. The UK was the second-largest economy in the EU and a very important location for the financial sector. The city of London is one of the largest business areas in total Europe. Before the referendum in 2016, many experts were concerned about the consequences of a “leave”-vote. George Osborne, the british minister of finance warned that the Brexit will cost every household 4300 pounds per year. According to the financial times, the GDP in the year 2030 would be six percent lower if they leave the European union, under the condition of a trade agreement between the two partners. This Bachelor´s thesis will focus on the impact of Brexit on the foreign direct investment in the UK and the consequences for example on the job market. The first part will be the summary of the working paper. “The Influence of Brexit on the Foreign direct Investment Projects and Inflows in the United Kingdom”, that was written by Mihaela Simionescu and was provided in cooperation with the Global labour Organization (GLO).

Informations bibliographiques

janvier 2024, 31 Pages, Anglais


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