Annika Geyer aims to advance the current
understanding of variations in family businesses' growth performance and to
explain their potential origins. She focuses on the respective impact of the
set of relevant background factors (stemming from top executives' individual
characteristics as well as the given organizational and social environment) on
the firms growth performance and the underlying processes through which this
impact is transmitted. The insights of this work constitute an essential step
towards settling the debate on how the family actually contributes to the family
firm's performance and hold some important implications for practitioners.
Variations in Strategic Choices Concerning Firm Growth: A Conceptual
Framework and its Application to the Context of Family BusinessesThe Influence of Executives' Membership in the FB Owner-Family on Firm
GrowthFamily Decision Makers in FBs, their Growth Intentionsand Actual Firm Growth:
The Influence of Different Levels of Family and Personal Involvement in the Firm
Target Groups
Researchers and students in the fields of
strategic management, growth, upper echelon and family business researchManagers and owners of family businesses
Dr. Annika Geyer wrote her dissertation
under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreas Hack and Prof. Dr. Arist von
Schlippe at the Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU) at Witten/Herdecke