It might have been anywhere; it was simply a place where two opposing forces were to meet, as two armies meet on foreign soil to fight a battle . . .
Hugh and Caddie Clavering arrive in Italy with a clear mission: to bring their mother home. With their lives upended by the sudden, bitter dissolution of their parents' marriage, the children have travelled alone to Lake Garda, where Fanny has eloped with her lover.
At the Villa Fiorita they find Fanny and Rob deeply in love, and their mother happier than they've ever seen her. But Hugh and Caddie have gone too far to give up their scheme now, and Rob's young daughter is more than happy to help destroy her father's new relationship. Under the dazzling Italian sun, battle lines are drawn - but will they realise that their actions have consequences before it's too late?
'One of our best and most captivating novelists' PHILIP HENSHER
'[Godden has] a genius for storytelling' EVENING STANDARD
'Her prose is pure, delicate, and gently witty' NEW YORK TIMES