Thèmes principaux
Structure of Public Administration in the Republic of Kosovo

Structure of Public Administration in the Republic of Kosovo


Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Law - Comparative Legal Systems, Comparative Law, University of Prishtina (Universität Prishtina), language: English, abstract: Public administration, as a particular form of state activity practice, respectively as a particular form of practicing state executive power, represents a very important segment, both for the state that through the administration exercises its executive activity as well as for the subjects (primarily citizens) who through the administration realize their rights in relation to the state.Each state aims to practice its state activity (executive power) in such a way that its citizens can be offered the public services in the most qualitative manner possible. As a result, a qualitative public administration, consistent towards any impact and transparent with its citizens, is a necessity that each state must realize. In this context, the development and evolution of the form of practicing the state activity, namely the development and evolution of its own public administration at the current level is a result of the citizens’ needs that their rights in relation to the state (receiving public services) to be implemented in the most advanced way, on the one hand and as a result of the state's obligation to respond to these needs (public service delivery), on the other.The structural organization of the public administration in general, as well as the legal framework governing and defining this structure, are amongst the main factors influencing the advancement and reformation of public administration. In the Republic of Kosovo there is no specific law on organization of public administration, which would regulate the organization and activity of public administration, thus the structure of the organization of this administration is partially regulated by other laws that regulate the field of public administration generally. Apart from regulating the organization of state administration as a very important segment of public administration, via a special law, the rest of the organization of public administration in Kosovo cannot be stated that is not regulated however, it is partially regulated by laws and various acts, but not a special law.In this paper will be presented a reflection of the organization of public administration according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, the Law on General Administrative Procedure and other laws that regulate issues from the field of public administration, but with particular emphasis on the organization of administration state according to the Law on State Administration in the Republic of Kosovo.

Informations bibliographiques

août 2018, 16 Pages, Anglais


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