Thèmes principaux
Strange Neighbors

Strange Neighbors

The Role of States in Immigration Policy


<p>Since its founding, the U.S. has struggled with<br>issues of federalism and states’ rights. In almost every area of law, from<br>abortion to zoning, conflicts arise between the states and the federal<br>government over which entity is best suited to create and enforce laws. In the<br>last decade, immigration has been on the front lines of this debate, with<br>states such as Arizona taking an extremely assertive role in policing<br>immigrants within their borders. While Arizona and its notorious SB 1070 is the<br>most visible example of states claiming expanded responsibility to make and<br>enforce immigration law, it is far from alone. An ordinance in<br>Hazelton, Pennsylvania prohibited landlords from renting to the undocumented. Several<br>states have introduced legislation to deny citizenship to babies who are born<br>to parents who are in the United States without authorization. Other states<br>have also enacted legislation aimed at driving out unauthorized migrants.<br><br>Strange Neighbors explores the complicated and complicating role<br>of the states in immigration policy and enforcement, including voices from both<br>sides of the debate. While many contributors point to the dangers inherent in<br>state regulation of immigration policy, at least two support it, while others<br>offer empirically-based examinations of state efforts to regulate immigration<br>within their borders, pointing to wide, state-by-state disparities in<br>locally-administered immigration policies and laws. Ultimately, the book offers<br>an extremely timely, thorough, and spirited discussion on an issue that will<br>continue to dominate state and federal legislatures for years to come.</p>

Informations bibliographiques

mai 2014, Citizenship and Migration in the Americas, Anglais


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