The security services industry has some of the highest level of turnover in any business, but it can be contained.By doing so, youll be able to pay higher wages, recruit top-quality personnel, and further boost the stability of your workforce. Service to clients will improve, and supervising will get easier.In this guide to reducing turnover, the author draws on lessons from the security industry to help senior executives, frontline supervisors and managers, and others boost their leadership abilities to improve employee retention.While the book focuses on the security industry for demonstration purposes, members of any services sector company can apply its lessons to make significant dents in money-losing turnover.The major theme running throughout the book is responsibility fueled by choice: Nobody is a victim of anybody or anything, and if we want to be the best leaders we can be, then we need to make that choiceand follow it up with hard work.Stop the revenue drain. Help first-line leaderswho play the pivotal role in reducing turnoversystematically improve their leadership skills by following the New Leadership model. Develop a retention culture in your company. All this and more in Reducing Turnover in the Services Sector.