Thèmes principaux
Pelton and Crossflow Impulse Hydraulic Turbines

Pelton and Crossflow Impulse Hydraulic Turbines


The book guidess readers in systematization, calculation, and design hydraulic impulse turbines, specifically Pelton and crossflow turbines, using algorithms that generate computer programs capable of providing a range of viable results within the limitations of currently available market technology. The turbines discussed in this volume have diverse applications—the Pelton can be used in micro-power plants as well as  large-scale power plants applications, and crossflow turbines are used mainly in smaller projects—and operate under   conditions ranging from  relatively high heads to s medium to low heads. The authors explore why impulse turbines are less commonly used in certain parts of the world  compared to reaction turbines, like the Francis and Kaplan turbines, that have been more widely employed, additionally they discuss how impulse turbines can be  particularly suitable for regions that have rugged topographies.

  • Explains procedures for the study and design of impulse turbines based on the fundamental concepts of hydraulic machines;
  • Maximizes understanding of the concepts and design procedures of the presented turbines using detailed examples;
  • Presents the flow and operational behavior of the impulse hydraulic turbines, specifically Pelton and crossflow turbine

Informations bibliographiques

mai 2025, Anglais
Springer International Publishing


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