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Market Research Project for the German Meat Subtitute Market from the Perspective of the US-Company "Impossible Foods"

Market Research Project for the German Meat Subtitute Market from the ...


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL - Marktforschung, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Plant-based diets are currently a huge economic trend. More than eight percent of the world's population now eat a plant-based diet. Around 70 percent of the world's population is reducing its meat consumption, so the market for plant-based foods is growing every year. By 2027, this market is expected to grow to more than 35 billion US dollars.The following essay looks at a market research analysis of the German meat substitute market from the perspective of “Impossible Foods”, a US company. “Impossible Foods” focuses on plant-based meat substitute products, but is not currently active in the European market. The market research observes the German market for two key reasons. Firstly, more than ten percent of the population live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Secondly, meat consumption is with 60 kilograms of meat per capita also on a significant high level. These two facts are very interesting for companies in this market, as these different eating styles combine itself within their target group. This market research project includes secondary and primary market research methods, in order to analyse the German market for the company and to make recommend strategic actions based on the potential and the target group in the very end.

Informations bibliographiques

août 2021, 22 Pages, Allemand


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