Thèmes principaux
ISO 19600 - Compliance Management Systems

ISO 19600 - Compliance Management Systems

A Commentary for Practitioners


The design, implementation and improvement of a compliance management system is not only a must for organizations but has become a competitive advantage in national and international business transactions. An effective compliance management system is a key element of good and diligent management and an essential management tool to assess and treat the risk of civil and criminal liability of the organization and its representatives. ISO Standard 19600 provides guidance on compliance management systems and recommended best practices. This guidance is intended to be adaptable and can be of use for any kind of organization or part thereof and with regard to any kind of compliance risk, irrespective of the size of the organization. It is also adaptable to the level of maturity of an organization’s compliance management system and to the context, nature and complexity of the organization’s activities, including its compliance policy and objectives. This commentary – elaborated by renowned international compliance experts and members of the ISO Project Committee – is intended to assist Board Members, Management and Compliance Officers in implementing and maintaining effective best practice compliance management in their organisations.

Informations bibliographiques

décembre 2016, 139 Pages, 1e édition, Anglais
Stämpfli Verlag


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