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How Does Acquisition Financing Work? Financing of company acquisitions in the international group

How Does Acquisition Financing Work? Financing of company ...


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 1,0, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management gemeinnützige GmbH, Hochschulstudienzentrum Hamburg, Veranstaltung: International Investment, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In this paper, the financing options and their effects in an international group company are presented, but not without pointing out that each acquisition case is an individual case that cannot be developed through a recipe book. During this, suitable practical examples are presented.The acquisition is the most suitable "pro-active" instrument for efficient portfolio management. It enables the immediate utilisation of existing markets, capacities, infrastructure, and know-how. The financing of the acquisition has a considerable influence on the design, implementation, and integration process. This applies more as financing that is too risky or not calculated interactively in the balance sheet and financial planning can endanger not only the existence of the acquired company but also that of the acquiring company. Solidly planned and implemented financing from the outset is one of the essential foundations of sustainable acquisition success. Companies are not static entities. Internationalisation and globalisation force them to permanently review strategic decisions once they have been made. The goal must be to position them-selves efficiently in the strategic triangle (company - market/ customers - competition/ rivals), to create competitive advantages and thus to take full advantage of both global and local market opportunities. The result is constant movement in the international corporate landscape.

Informations bibliographiques

avril 2021, 19 Pages, Allemand


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