Thèmes principaux
Global Purchasing in tough economic climate

Global Purchasing in tough economic climate

Global purchasing´s added contribution in the likely difficult economic climate for business in 2012


Essay aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: A, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The worldwide economic downturns with it´s peaks in the years 2009 and 2010 have had a great impact on nearly every business. Also one year later, in 2011 companies are still affected of the global economic downturn. Prospects indicate that companies will continuestruggling with crisis related problems in 2012 as well (The World Bank, 2011). To survive in this still difficult economic climate, every department of a company needs to add their contribution.The objective of this assignment is to answer the question “What do you think should be global purchasing´s added contribution in the likely difficult economic climate for business in 2012?” Firstly this paper will define global purchasing and will give an overview of the prospects for future economic climate in 2012. After that different approaches and possible contributions will be introduced and discussed which are related to the prospects of the likelydifficult economic climate for business in 2012. Finally the essay will end with a conclusion summing up all points and give a short recommendation.

Informations bibliographiques

août 2012, 15 Pages, Allemand


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