Explore the seven continents that make up our planet and discover the incredible landscapes and environments of each one.
DK Super Planet A Journey Around our Continents is part of the new DK Super Planet series, teaching children aged 7-11 about our continents and what life on each one looks like.
Captivating and curriculum-aligned, this book is the perfect support for learning about the wonders of our planet. It covers core scientific content, including an explanation of what a continent is and fascinating facts about all seven.
This geography book for children offers:
- A guide to reading through curriculum-aligned content and exciting illustrations.
- A highly visual approach that makes the association between words and where they originate easier to understand.
- Material to help children become more confident readers, speakers, and spellers.
Captivating and curriculum-aligned content, diagrams, and hands-on experiments provide an immersive learning experience while covering core information about the different continents
With specially designed sections that build scientific vocabulary and make complex concepts accessible to children, A Journey Around our Continents is the ideal companion to any science learning. Transform learning into an adventure with
DK Super Planet, bringing science to life on every page.