Thèmes principaux
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII

Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII


This volume continues previous DLES proceedings books, presenting modern developments in turbulent flow research. It is comprehensive in its coverage of numerical and modeling techniques for fluid mechanics. After Surrey in 1994, Grenoble in 1996, Cambridge in 1999, Enschede in 2001, Munich in 2003, Poitiers in 2005, and Trieste in 2009, the 8th workshop, DLES8, was held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, again under the auspices of ERCOFTAC. Following the spirit of the series, the goal of this workshop is to establish a state-of-the-art of DNS and LES techniques for the computation and modeling of transitional/turbulent flows covering a broad scope of topics such as aerodynamics, acoustics, combustion, multiphase flows, environment, geophysics and bio-medical applications. This gathering of specialists in the field was a unique opportunity for discussions about the more recent advances in the prediction, understanding and control of turbulent flows in academic or industrial situations.

Informations bibliographiques

novembre 2013, 456 Pages, ERCOFTAC Series, Anglais
Springer Nature EN



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