A fantastic new magical dino-tastic adventure series from children's TV superstar Andy Day, paired with illustration powerhouse Steven Lenton!What if YOUR dad could change into a dinosaur?Hello! It's me, Ruby Thumb. Me and my dad have loads of amazing adventures in Dinotropolis - an incredible island, full of dinosaurs who live just like us humans do. And when we go there using our special magic Ammonite shell, we turn into dinosaurs too!I can't wait to tell you all about our next adventure. It was fantastic - I got to be a real-life dino detective! Me and dad had to solve the mystery of a missing fossilised dinosaur egg . . . and we discovered something amazing along the way . . . !We have so many amazing adventures . . . and I can't wait for you to join us!A hilarious and brilliantly illustrated easy-to-read story peppered with real dino facts - perfect for any young dinosaur-lover!Look out for the rest of the Dino Dad books: Dino Dad; Ice Age and Big Dino School Talent Show