Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft®Excel® visualizes spreadsheets as an effectivemanagement tool both for financial analysisand for coordinating its results and actionswith marketing, sales, production and serviceoperations, quality control, and other businessfunctions.
Taking an integrative view that promotesteamwork across corporate functions andresponsibilities, the book contains dozens ofcharts, diagrams, and actual Excel® screenshotsto reinforce the practical applications ofevery topic it covers. The first two sections-Financial Statements and Cash Budgeting-explain how to use spreadsheets for:
The third and final section-Capital Budgeting-covers capital structure, the cost ofcapital, and leverage; the basics of capitalbudgeting, including taxes and depreciation;applications, such as new facilities, equipmentreplacement, process improvement, leasingversus buying, and nonresidential real estate;and risk analysis of capital budgets and thepotential impacts of unforeseen events.
Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft®Excel® takes a broad view of financial functionsand responsibilities in relation to thoseof other functional parts of modern corporations,and it demonstrates how to use spreadsheetsto integrate and coordinate them. Itprovides many insightful examples and casestudies of real corporations, including Wal-Mart, Sun Microsystems, Nike, H. J. Heinz,Dell, Microsoft, Apple Computer, and IBM.
Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft®Excel® is the ideal tool for managing yourfirm's short-term operations and long-termcapital investments.