<p>Nonprofit organizations (NPOs), where citizens come together to solve societal problems, promote civic engagement, and create the building blocks of democracy, are a major sector and employer both in the United States and the rest of the world. This book addresses conflicts in the nonprofit organization sector and offers ways to resolve and manage these conflicts. </p>
<p><em>Conflict Management in Nonprofits, Volume 1</em> explores conflict management with regard to employees vs. volunteers, gender and inclusiveness, mindfulness, religious groups, working with governmental organizations as well as political issues. Perspectives on negotiation, mediation, and facilitation are presented throughout. In this, the first title in a two-volume collection, an exceptional set of renowned authors explore the topic of conflict management with a focus on secular nonprofits. </p>
<p>This book will be a valuable resource for academicians, scholars, students, as well as social, political activists and the layperson interested in volunteer-driven nonprofit organization management. </p>