This is a compilation of years of service-industry (hospitality) experiences. I see a definite need for a champion to arise and make a statement about lower management to employee positions. I call it American Sweatshops, because it is a reality in our country. This industry follows the ideals of nineteenth-century America for lower management. It is by far the largest segment of the current working population. To this end, there is a need to change; otherwise, this will end up being a class unto itself. It’s an industry that needs laws to protect its workers from both the owners and corporate executives. These are your sons and daughters trying to get a leg up in life and not be exploited by the industry. I am looking for an unbiased group to look into and monitor the industry. Possibly, the secretary of the service industry as a new cabinet position. I want to turn this to a win-win for both the public, the workers, and yes, even the owners. A happy environment manifests more and consistent profitability for the long term. Let’s bring back American vision and growth.