The fascinating story of the animation genius and the entertainment giant he created
Animator, innovator and business magnate, Walt Disney undeniably had a huge impact on American culture. Here, Brian J. Robb presents both an illuminating account of Disney's own significant artistic creations, from the iconic Mickey Mouse to the ground-breaking Snow White, and an insightful history of the entertainment behemoth he created, from Dumbo to Pixar's Toy Story, as well as the hugely popular theme parks.
The company Disney built is today stronger than ever, encompassing not only the ongoing legacy of Disney animation, but also acting as the guardian of other well-loved creative endeavours, such as Pixar, The Muppets, Marvel Comics and now Star Wars. A Brief History of Walt Disney explores the man, the films he created and the company he built, with a special emphasis on animation, which has always been the heart and soul of the company.