<p><b><i>4-Gen Leadership: Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workplace</i> is a practical guide for those aspiring to be multi-generational leaders in today’s evolving business landscape.</b> 4-gen leadership is the philosophy and actions leaders can take to help all generations (baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z) be accepted, honored, and united into one effective, harmonious team. The authors have created a resource that leaders across every industry at all levels of leadership will find useful. This book helps established and emerging leaders understand the generations in their workforce and how to bridge the new generation gaps in their organizations.</p>
<p>Each chapter contains reflective questions to help the readers apply the book’s concepts to their work environment; a section titled <i>Voices from the Generations</i>, which shares insightful views from one of the many successful leaders interviewed for the project; a <i>Real-World Connection</i> segment, which is a scenario in which the readers see how a hypothetical problem might be solved by using a multi-gen leadership lens; and finally, an activity worksheet that points readers toward the next steps they can take to strengthen their multi-gen leadership skills and the culture. </p>